Monday, April 24, 2017

My DIT Immersion Journey Part I

This is an exciting experience out of my comfort zone when summer time became one of the most stressful and adventurous time of my life. I am enrolled right now in Industry Immersion, a journey towards completing my Doctor in Information Technology in Technological Institute of the Philippines in Quezon City. This is my first blog sharing my own experiences since Dr. Ruji our Dean and immersion professor gave us details of our Industry Immersion.

One of the requirements is to look for a partner agency to establish industry experience and work out our research output while preparing for our Dissertation paper. It is very challenging especially for the first three weeks looking for an industry to work with. The first time I searched for partner industry, I am with two other colleague sir Larry and sir Ian. I thought this will be better since the more of us to look for an agency the more chances that we could find one and also that would help us with the budget since working our way in Manila is an expensive treat. First day we went to Department of Justice located in F. Paura since Sir Larry made an appointment already with Atty. Yu. We were very much welcomed and we were also given some interesting topics related to cybercrime such as determining pornography sites through a proposed image processing system. In fact, Atty. Yu is looking forward for us to work on the project, however we were advised to wait a while because our application will be processed first. We left DOJ wondering if they will approve our immersion.

Next stop, just a few blocks away from DOJ is the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI). I ask them for us to try visiting the office because they also have a cybercrime division and also since we are there at the site already. I was excited to see if NBI would provide us a better venue for immersion. We went inside following strict protocols and security and we were able to speak with the Director. Unfortunately, based on his descriptions and explanations it would be difficult for us to fit in our agenda for immersion due to confidentiality issues. We left NBI office with a heavy heart.

It came as an idea that we try visiting the first agency we applied for even before the start of immersion enrolment, that is the DOST-ASTI located also in Quezon City. Sir Larry and Sir Ian got an email of appointment to meet with the head of research five days from that day. However, we all decided to visit and try our luck to meet-up ahead of time. So we go to ASTI near University of the Philippines and we were advised to wait for an hour or after their meeting ends. We finally met the Director through Madam Mylene Monton the Human Resource personnel. They gave us research ideas such as preventive maintenance through application of Artificial Neural Networks and others. We thought we were lucky since they said that we could use all their facilities including portal access to resources but made mention that they could not give us mentoring. Likewise, they gave us condition that we need to propose first before he including the higher-ups could decide if we will be accepted. It is a big gamble on our part since we are at present looking for possible proposal and the requirement for us in our immersion is to find a mentor which they will not provide. We end up having second thoughts whether to continue or make them a possible partner in the future.

However, a week passed by and we were not able to secure a signed acceptance letter since each partner agency needs to submit our letter to the higher ups so decision making will take some time while the other one needs our personal proposal before they agree to accept us. So we end up getting worked up the whole week while tearing up our budget each and everyday. The most significant thing that happened for that week is understanding how government agencies work and teach us a very valuable lesson that we will never forget. Since the three of us are working on a direction about cybercrime and security one of the agency that we opt for is the Cybercrime Division of the Philippine National Police (PNP) in Camp Crame Quezon City. However, after several days of waiting we got a message that we were not approved especially from the IT Forensic Experts themselves because they are afraid that we could compromise confidentiality affecting their operations.

After our week of searching in Metro Manila, we go back home sad and frustrated. Sir Ian suggested we have to try Plan C which means we have to look closer within the Bicol Region. I have to agree and believe that it would be the best way to end up since not only we are close to our families but also Naga which is located at the heart of the Bicol Region have different industry agencies particularly Telecommunication Company such as PLDT. I have no choice but to leave everything to my colleague Sir Ian to prepare our papers and make a personal contact with PLDT since I am sick for almost three days and Naga City is a two-hour ride from Daet, Camarines Norte where I am right now. I have had a loose bowel movement since I got home from Manila, I don't know where I get that maybe from eating at the nearby "turo-turo" restaurant in Cubao. I am really thankful for Sir Ian since he made efforts of taking care of my papers and all I have to do is to send my resume online.

This is the start of my personal journey towards my very first Industry Immersion experience. I am hoping that all the learning and experiences will help me grow and give me direction on the research area that I would like to pursue.

My DIT Immersion Journey Part IV

Almost at the final frontier of my journey to finish the immersion with my mentor and warm accolades of the staff comprising PLDT South Luz...