Tuesday, May 2, 2017

My DIT Immersion Journey Part II

This is the next episode of my journey, continuing the epic of my adventure towards achieving my Doctor in Information Technology.

It was 1:39PM April 26, 2017 when I received a message from Sir Ian. We got an approval from PLDT Naga City and Sir Ian was there discussing terms with Sir Rhomar Encanto the head of PLDT South Luzon Fixed Access and Transport Operation (SLFxATO). They talked about some of the operations being performed by his department called South Luzon Fixed Access and Transport Operations, a technical division of PLDT. According to Sir Ian my partner in the Immersion, in that meeting, he introduced the technical aspects of their jobs. This includes the area where they operate, the personnel's duties and functions, the physical equipment used and the network management system used in remote access of network and infrastructure deployed in the different parts of the country. Also, he made mention that Sir Rhomar will be out of Bicol Region this week to attend some important matter in Batangas.

Fig. 1 Sir Rhomar Encanto discussing PLDT Background and Operations as shared by Sir Ian
We will start our immersion shortly on May 8, 2017 and I am looking forward to learn and become familiarized with Telecommunication industry problems and hopefully find my way towards developing my very own research.

While I am waiting, I am attending to my personal life as a husband and a father to my children.

Fig. 2 Having fun with my family

The whole week is full of anticipation and excitement as I am looking forward for next week departure for Naga City for the Immersion scheduled by our very own mentor Sir Rhomar. I made efforts to look for journals and find direction relevant to the fields which I am interested such as Artificial Intelligence, Network Security, and Data Mining possibly making an application out of Telecommunication Company which I will be deployed.

Hoping that this coming week will be full of fruitful activities, new discoveries, inspiration, and finally working out requirements for the Immersion.

1 comment:

My DIT Immersion Journey Part IV

Almost at the final frontier of my journey to finish the immersion with my mentor and warm accolades of the staff comprising PLDT South Luz...